
Matches 10,651 to 10,700 of 10,995

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10651 When William of Orange was invited over to Britain to replace James II, it was arranged that he should rule jointly with his wife Mary, daughter of James. This unique arrangement lasted until the death of Mary in 1694, after which date William ruled by himself until his death in 1702. ORANGE, William Of (I90706)
10652 Where he came from and who his parents were, is not definitely known but he and all his brothers and a sister shared in the estate of "Thomas Gilbert" and it seems likely he was their father. In January, 1654, the town allowed him to "sett up a waire-house: att the common Landing Place," and in 1658 he was one of the "Troopers" under Maj. John Mason; was townsman several times from 1659 to 1679, inclusive; Marshall of the colony; Deputy to the General Court, and collector of Customs at Hartford. In May, 1662, the General Court granted liberty "to ye Marshall, Jonathan Gilbert to keep an Ordinary at his house at Cold spring for releiueing of Travellers", etc. His most important services were rendered in dealing with the Indians, whose language he was well acquainted with, and he served constantly as intermediary between them and the English Government. In 1661, the General Court granted him 300 acres of upland and 50 acres of meadow, doubtless for such services. It was to him, as Marshal of the Colony, that was addressed the Royal Search Warrant of Charles II for the apprehension of the regicides, Goffe and Whalley. He was a man of the most resolute bravery and was generally called upon to lead in time of danger. He was also a man of business capacity, respectable and enterprising; he was engaged in trade and in the coasting business and acquired what was the thought great wealth. He had large tracts of land in the different settlements. Savage says of him---"He was a man of distinction and kept an inn." GILBERT, Jonathan (I24989)
10653 Where we came from:

Joseph George Crapo was born 7 November 1806 in the fishing town of New Bedford, Bristol Co, Massachusetts. Joseph was lost at sea when his boat capsized while he was working his oyster beds. he was picked up by a passing ship, bound for France, but his family believed him to have drowned. It took him over a year to earn his passage back to the United States, where he was reunited with his family. Converts to the Morman faith in Massachusetts, Joseph George Crapo and his wife Mary Hicks Collins Crapo, of Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts, immigrated to Utah in 1853 with the Miller and Cooley Company. He and Mary were in the first group of settlers at Avon, Utah in 1860. Joseph George died just two months shy of 82 in Paradise, Cache, Utah. 
CRAPO, Joseph George (I13919)
10654 Whether Walter married is unknown; however, he departed for Palestine on Michaelmas 1159, and died shortly afterwards without leaving legitimate issue. DE HEREFORD, Walter (I22434)
10655 While Eliakim was on a visit to his brother James in Amenia he bought of Isaac Delamater, for "nine hundred and thirteen pounds of good and lawfull money of the Province of New York," a farm of two hundred acres. He then returned to Norwalk and sold his farm of forty acres which he owned there, and moved to the new field in 1773, where he soon afterward purchased about forty acres more.

In the settlement of his estate after Eliakim's death this farm was purchased by his son Ezra, the price being as follows: 160 acres at $30. per acre, and seventy-five acres at $22.50 per acre; $6,487.50. After Ezra's death his son, Newton Reed purchased the farm for ten thousand dollars. After Newton's death, his son, HenryVan Dyck Reed, the present occupant, purchased the farm at nine thousand dollars, and on it have been born the ninth generation of reeds in America. 
REED, Eliakim (I86789)
10656 While in Antwerp John met Tyndal under whose influence he abandoned the Roman Catholic faith and married an Antwerp lady. On the accession of Mary, Rogers preached at Paul's Cross against "pestilent Popery, idolatry, and superstitution." Ten days later, August 15, 1553, he was summoned before the Council and told to stay within his own house. On January 1554 he was sent to Newgate where he spent a year. On January 29, 1555 he was sentenced to death for denying the Christian character of the Church of Rome. On February 4, 1555, he was burned to death at Smithfield while his wife and children watched.

Excerpt from NEHG Register 1851, Vol 6: After his sentence and condemnation on the 29th of January, before the Council, Mr. Rogers says in the account of his examination: "Well, my Lor," quoth I, "here I stand before God and you, and all this honorable audience, and take him to witness, that I never wittingly or wilfully taught any false doctrine, and therefore have I a good conscience before God and all good men. I am sure that you and I shall come before a Judge that is righteous, befoer whom I shall be as good a man as you; and I nothing doubt, but that I shall be found there a true member of the true Catholic Church of Christ, and everlastingly saved. And as for your false church, ye need not to excommunicate me further of it, I have not been in it these twenty years, the Lord be thanked therefor. But now ye have done what ye can, my Lord I pray you yet to grant me one thing."
"What is that?" quoth he.
"That my poor wife, being a stranger, may come and speak with me, so long as I live, for she hath 'ten children' that are hers and mine, and somewhat I would counsel her what it were best for her to do."
"No." quoth he, "She is not thy wife!"
"Yes my Lord, quoth I, "and hath been these eighteen years."
"Should I grant her to be thy wife?" quoth he.
"Choose ye," quoth I, "whether ye will or not, she shall be so nevertheless!"
"She shall not come at thee!" quoth he.
"Then I have tired out all your charity," said I.

On the 4th of February, A.D. 1555, being Monday, in the morning, he was warned suddenly by the keeper's wife of Newgate, to prepare himself for the fire; being sound asleep, with much shaking he could scarce be awakened, at length being raised and waked and bid to make hast, "Then," said he, "if it be so, I need not tie my points," and so was handed down to Bonner to be degraded. That done, he craved of Bonner but one petition, and was asked what that should be, "nothing" said he, "baut that I might talk a few words with my wife before my burning;" but this could not be obtained; then said he, "you declare your charity what it is;" and so was brought into Smithfield, by Chester and Woodroofe, Sheriffs of London, to be burnt, not being permitted to use many words, only exhorting the people to remain the confirmation thereof, was not only content patiently to suffer and bear all the bitterness and cruelty heaped upon him, but also most gladly to resign his life, and give his flesh to the consuming fire, a testimony of the same.
Woodroofe asked him, if he would revoke his abominable doctrine and evil opinion of the sacrament of the altar? He answered, "That which I have preached, will I seal with my blood!" then quoth Woodroofe, "thou art a heretic!" "That shall be known at the day of judgment!" replied he, "Well," quoth Woodroofe, "I will never pray for thee," "But I will pray for you," said Rogers; so he carried to Smithfield, saying the Psalm "Miserere" by the way; immense crowds collecting to see him pass, rejoicing and giving thanks to God for his constancy; among them, his wife and ten small children, one an infant at the breast, they too, joined in the acclamations to strengthen his courage, "comforting him in such a manner as if led to a wedding.
A little before burning at the stake, a pardon was offered, if he would recant, but utterly refused. There, in the presence of Rochester, Comptroller of the Queen's household, Sir Richard Southwell, both the Sheriffs, and a great concourse of people, the fire was put to him; and when it had taken hold of his legs and shoulders, like one feeling no smart, he washed his hands in the flame, as in cold water, and lifting them toward heaven, until entirely consumed by the devouring fire, most mildly this happy martyr yeilded his spirit in the hands of his Heavenly Father.
He was the first of all that blessed company with suffered in Queen Mary's time, and styled the Proto-Martyr. 
ROGERS, Rev John (I47105)
10657 While residing at Cape Ann, he enlisted, May 1775, for twelve months in Capt. nathaniel Collins' Co., marched to Cambridge, and arrived on the day of the battle of Bunker Hill; joined Col. Moses Little's regiment and a few days after left for Prospect Hill, where he was employed in throwing up breastworks during the day and standing guard at night. he also served in Joseph Robey's Company. When Collins was promoted to major, Warner became captain of Collins' Company referred to.

In Jan. 1776, he enlisted for eight months as corporal in Capt. William Pearson's Co., Co. Porter's regiment and rendered service at Cape Ann. In about one month was appointed sergeant; discharged 15 Aug. 1776.

In Apr. 1777, he volunteered to serve in army on North River--term of service three years--joined Capt. James Carr's Co., Col. Little; marched from Boston to Albany, where he was detached, with some hundreds of others, under Gen. Arnold, to relieve Fort Stanwix, then besieged; marched to Stillwater, joined the artillery under Maj. Bannister, and was present at the capture of the army of Gen. Burgoyne; ordered to Albany, and was there appointed to drive the baggage-wagon of Gen. Gates home.

He was in a privateer fitted out at Machias,Me.; was taken by a British man-of-war; was prisoner on board the British ship Jersey in New York harbor, with Andrew, his brother, but escaped; and sailed in a privateer from Cape Ann, capturing several prizes.

In his younger days John Newcomb followed the sea; was several times cast away, but managed to escaped in a "miraculous manner." He settled at Amesbury, 1777; afterwards removed to Newburyport, Machias, Me., and in 1792 to Eastport, Me., where he resided until his death. In 1802 he was granted land in Township 8, Lubec, Me. He was pensioned under Act of Congress of 1832.

NEWCOMB, John (I41202)
10658 While Siegebert was still childless, Grimoald, his mayor of the palace, had persuaded him to adopt Grimoald's son Childeric as his own son After the adoption Dagobert was born. When Siegbert then died in 656, Grimoald had the four-year-old Dagobert carried off to a monastery in Ireland and kept there while Childeric was named king. It was not until Childeric was murdered about twenty years later in 675 that Dagobert was brought back from Ireland and proclaimed king of Austrasia.

Dagobert was a good king, but his reign was short. Ebroin was his mayor of the palace, and it was henchmen of Ebroin that murdered Dagobert near Verdun on 23 December 678 while he was out hunting.

While he was in exile, Dagobert had married Mechtilde, and they became the parents of St. Adela of Austrasia. During his short reign, Dagobert founded religious establishments and the circumstances of his death caused him to be remembered as a martyr. His relics are at Stenay-sur-Meuse.
AUSTRASIA, King of Metz Dagobert II King Of (I02859)
10659 While still a youth he emigrated fromLondon to Connecticut and settled in the town of Branford, probably at its founding, for his name appears several times on the first page of the town records, dated July 7, 1646.

He seems to have looked around among the colonies for an advantageous place in which to settle, and the records show that he owned lands in Branford, and that in 1659 he purchased land in Hartford, from Jasper Gunn. But in that same year he moved to Farmington, which is a few miles westward from Hartford, though he did not sell his land in the latter place until 1664. He joined the church at Farmington in October 1661, and resided there until his death, which occurred November 5, 1709. he was one of the eighty-four proprietors in the first division of lands in Farmington. 
NORTON, John (I68254)
10660 While the familial origins of Godred Crovan aren't completely proven, it appears certain that he was a direct descendant of AMLAIB CUARAN, King of Northumbria and Dublin. Although the thirteenth- to fourteenth century "Chronicle of Mann" calls him in Latin "...filius Haraldi nigri de Ysland", implying that his father was named Aralt, the fourteenth century "Annals of Tigernach" instead calls him in Gaelic "..mac Maic Arailt," contrarily implying that it was Godred's grandfather who was named Aralt. Godred, therefore, may have been either a son, nephew, or brother of Imar mac Arailt, King of Dublin. However, the early-thirteenth-century pedigree 'Achau renhinoedd a Thywysogion Cymru' in the Welsh collectionof genealogical tacts records "Gwrthryt Mearch" (Godred Crovan) as the son of "Harallt Ddu" (Harald "The Black" of Islay), who in turn was the son of "ifor Gamle" (Imar mac Arailt). As such, it appears that Godred was not the son, nephew or brother, but, in fact, the grandson of 'Imar mac Arailt' King of Dublin, patrilineal descendant of 'Amlaib Cuaran, King of Northumbria and Dublin, and member of the 'Ui Imair'. The chronicle's passage may further cast light on Godred's familial origins. Although "Ysland" may represent Iceland, there is not other evidence linking Godred to this island. Alternately, the word may instead represent the Hebridean island of Islay, where he is otherwise known to have ended his life. Another possibility is that "Ysland" represents Ireland, which if correct, would evidence Gored's close familial links with that particular island. Whatever the case, according to the same source, he had been brought up on Mann. MAN, Godred III Crovan King Of Dublin & (I37643)
10661 Whipple GenWeb, Source Medium: (null)
Source Medium: Electronic
Source (S03576)
10662 White, Dave, Source Medium: (null)
Source Medium: Electronic
Source (S03577)
10663 Whitey was born on June 7, 1920 in Omak, WA, to Jake and Edna Warfield. He was the youngest of six children: Ewan Warfield, Beatrice (Betty) Duffy, Maude Fitzgerald, Nellie Neumayer and Clyde Warfield. Whitey lived his whole life in the Skagit Valley, attending grade school in the Day Creek School and graduating from Sedro Woolley High School in 1937.

He entered the United States Army Air Force in January 1942, receiving his training in Fort Lewis, WA and Witchita Falls, TX. He was sent to Australia in 1942 where he served for three years in the South West Pacific region, including the East Indies, Philippines, and New Guinea. He was discharged in September of 1945 and moved back to the Skagit County area. Whitey was proud of his service to our country and he could be found each Memorial Day placing flags and flowers on the graves of those who lost their lives in service.

Whitey married Mildred Elizabeth Lanphere on January 18, 1947 and they spent the next 66 years together. They had two sons, John and Brad, who were shown the value of hard work and the ability to construct or fix anything by Whitey's solid example.

Whitey spent his early working years in the logging and construction industries throughout the Valley. One of his most notable jobs was working on the construction of the Upper Baker Dam, running the machine that hauled the concrete from the batch plant to the dam. He retired in 1983 from Skagit Corporation in Sedro-Woolley where he was an Inspector in the Machinists Union.

Whitey loved the outdoors and was truly in his element with a fishing rod in his hand, hunting in eastern WA, tilling the soil in his garden, or sitting next to a campfire. Whitey and Millie's garden was famous amongst family and friends; something he enjoyed and took pride in right up until his passing.

He was a member of the Wildcat Steelhead Club and the Coffee Club at Norm's Barber Shop in Sedro-Woolley where he could be found in the mornings swapping stories with the guys.

Whitey was preceded in death by his parents and all of his siblings.

He is survived by his wife of 66 years, Millie Warfield, of Sedro-Woolley; sons: John Warfield, of Bow, and Brad Warfield (Barb), of Tonasket; granddaughters: Sarah (Steve) Richey, of Tonasket and Amanda (Tony) Call, of Tonasket; great-grandchildren: Karlie, Brooke, Jaycie, and Ben Richey, all of Tonasket; and several nieces and nephews.

His family was a source of happiness for him, enjoying each one and their accomplishments. He felt blessed to be able to be a part of his great-grandchildren's lives, watching them enjoy many of the same things he loved.

A Graveside Service with Military Honors will be held on Saturday, May 18th at 2:00 in the afternoon at the Sedro-Woolley Union Cemetery, with Pastor Wendy Tingley officiating.

Whitey's family would like to thank Dr. Eric Stark for his excellent care and compassion, as well as the caring staff at Life Care Center in Sedro-Woolley. 
WARFIELD, Cecil E. (I90940)
10664 Wichita Eagle - October 22, 1987

Myron D. Herrick, 82, retired pharmaceutical representative and Sears, Roebuck & Co. customer service relations manager, died Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1987. Prayer vigil 6 p.m. tonight, service 10 a.m. Friday, both at Grace Episcopal Church.

Survivors: wife, Lilla; sons, the Rev. Myron D. Jr. of Minnetonka, Minn., Charles Robert of Fort Smith, Ark., John C. of Heely, Minn.; brother, Ret. Lt. Col. Roger M. of Montgomery, Ala.; sister, Helen Bennett of Key West, Fla.; five grandchildren. Memorial has been established with Grace Episcopal Church. Swisher-Taylor & Morris Funeral Home.
HERRICK, Myron Dalbert Sr. (I78478)


Wichita, Aug. 4 - Mrs. Nellie E. Warren, a society leader, has begun suit for divorce against A.. Warren, president of the Warren Chemical company.

The petition states that on various occasions during the last three years the defendant threatened her life with a drawn revolver and once struck her across the head with a shotgun, inflicting a serous wound. She has procured a retraining order to keep him from entering her house, from drawing money out of the bank or disposing of his property and asks for heavy alimony and the custody of their children. They were married in Lawrence on October 18, 1877.

Tuesday Aug 4, 1896, Topeka, KS

Originally shared this by grfelt on 13 Jan 2020 
SLOSSON, Nellie Elizabeth (I52968)
10666 Widow Mary was the nurse who was attending Mrs. Thomas Duston and her infant when the Indians took them prisoners to Pennacook, March 15, 1697. On the 29 April following, Mrs. Duston, assisted by Mary and a boy Samuel Lennardson, whom they found a prisoner, killed ten of the twelve savages in their wigwam, and with their scalps and their captives' guns--- as trophies embarked on the waters of the Merrimac and reached their homes in safety.
(Dustin Massacre at Dustin Hill, Haverhill, Mass.) 
CORLISS, Mary (I13151)
10667 Widow of Henry T. Hoyt

Daughter of the late Hudson S. Burr
Name: Ellen C Hoyt
Birth Date: abt 1833
Death Date: 14 Apr 1888
Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age at Death: 55 years 7 months
Gender: Female
FHL Film Number: 2079096 
BURR, Ellen Chatham (I09189)
10668 Widow's Declaration for Pension for John M. Padelford. Source (S03579)
10669 Wiegle, Ann Broomall (Name:;), Source Medium: (null)
Source Medium: Electronic
data on line of "kidnapped John" prepared by Tom Sharpless (
Source (S03580)
10670 wife of Amos Slosson

In memory of Sarah wife of Amos C Slosson who died June 22,1841,in the 51st year of her age
Why lonely friend induldge that tear,Why trembling view my dark abode,Though you with me must moulder here,Yet faith can wing my soul to God
BURNS, Sarah (I01179)
10671 Wife of Andrew Jackson Johnston - don't know if he is also buried here?

"Mrs. Eliza M Johnston passed away while visiting at the home of her son. Eliza Johnston died Monday at 2:00 at the home of her son, Charles, of DuBois, cause of death was given as gallstones. She had been making her home for the past five years with her daughter, Mrs. Susan Weaver near Salem and went to DuBois on Thursday last to visit with her son. While she was there she was taken sick and her condition grew worse until death came Monday morning. The deceased was 80y of age last March. She is survived by the following children: J. K. of Reynoldsville; Mrs. Susan Weaver of Salem; David, Trenton NJ; G. M., McKees Rocks; William, Youngstown OH; John of Buffalo; Mrs. J. O. Lenkerd of C&M Junction; Joseph of Driftwood; Charles of DuBois. One child is dead. The husband of the deceased, A. J. Johnston, died 10 years ago. The deceased had lived at that section since 1891 and was a woman quite widely known having many friends who will regret to hear of her death. The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at the home of her son, Charles at DuBois. The services were conducted by Rev Henry Johnston of the Baptist Church. Interment was made at the Rumbarger Cemetery".

Posted on Find A Grave
Maintained by: Barb Kopshina
Originally created by: Jim Ferris 
LONDON, Elizabeth Mariah (I36517)
10672 wife of Giles;
Cemetery Number
Cemetery Name

Her death may have been June 30, 1679; but I've listed it as it is on the Rhode Island Cemetery Database.

Her maiden name may have been Cooke as Thomas Cooke was supposed to have been Giles Slocum's brother-in-law. "When Cooke wrote his will in 1674, he devised to his grandson John Cooke, land that was bounded on one side by Brother Giles Slocum."

Source: Giles Slocum by Bertha W. Clark, 1955, p. 1 and Early Records of Portsmouth, p. 276.
COOK, Joan (I79737)
10673 Wife of Hugh H. Spafford, whom she married on Oct. 18, 1911, in Glens Falls, Warren, NY, and with whom she had three known children (for names, please see husband's memorial).
OBITUARY: Mrs. Ethel Spafford
Mrs. Ethel L. Spafford of 19 Wilson Ave., Glens Falls, died yesterday morning in her home.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Fred Thomson, of the home address; two sons, Donald, of the Saratoga Road, and Hiram, of North Cladendon, Vt.; a sister, Mrs. F. L. Munson, of Scarsdale, and five grandchildren.
A funeral service will be conducted Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. in the Potter ft Son Funeral Home, 13 Warren St., Glens Falls, by the Rev. Walter Benedict, pastor of Christ Church Methodist. Burial will be in Spafford Cemetery, North Clarendon.
Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
[Source: The Saratogian, Monday, Nov. 7, 1955] 
PIKE, Ethel Leona (I79210)
10674 Wife of LeRoy Henry. Daughter of Stephen William Edwards and Mary Elizabeth Hawkins.
Known children:
David Henry, Port Jervis
Raymond Henry, Port Jervis


Edith E. Henry, 80, of Port Jervis, a homemaker and lifelong resident, died Saturday, July 20, 1996, in Goshen. Mrs. Henry was born in Mongaup Feb. 13, 1916, daughter of Steven and Elizabeth Hawkins Edwards. She was the widow of LeRoy F. Henry, and a member of Drew Methodist Church of Port Jervis. Survivors include two sons, David henry and Raymond Henry, both of Port Jervis; one sister, Alice Burrows of Huguenot; two grandchildren; four great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. There will be no visitation. Private services will be held at the convenience of the family. Burial will take place in Pine Hill Cemetery, Sparrow bush. Arrangements are by Knight-Auchmoody Funeral Home, 154 East Main Street,Port Jervis.

EDWARDS, Edith (I856)
10675 Wife of Parker F., married October 6, 1990

Lola Fae Helton Bond Harlan, age 76, of Iberia, passed away on Tuesday, August 26, 2014, at Maries Manor in Vienna. She was born in Miller County on August 20, 1938, daughter of the late Louie and Clara Opal (Hannah) Helton. On October 6, 1990, near Iberia, Lola married Parker Harlan, who survives at the home.

Lola worked at Brown Shoe Factory in Dixon for 25 years. She was a member of Mason Ridge Community Church and Mt. Gilead Church.

She was preceded in death by one son, Larry Bond; two great-grandsons, Chance and Chase Bond; and her parents, Louie and Opal Helton.

Visitation will be from 10 to 11 a.m., with services immediately following at 11 a.m., on Friday, August 29, at Fancher-Rekus Funeral Home in Iberia. Interment will be in Union Cemetery near Iberia. Memorial contributions are suggested to the Lola Harlan Memorial Fund.

Posted on Find A Grave
Created by: Juanita Sloan Lowrance 
HELTON, Lola Fae (I85387)
10676 Wife of Vilvalda Brown
Daughter of Jeremiah & Abigail Lindley

Mrs. Aura T. Brown, a resident on Section 16, Portland Township, occupies a farm of 220 acres. She is a daughter of Jeremiah and Abigail Lindley, and was born in Tinmouth, Rutland Co., VT. Oct. 8, 1807. She was married in Middletown, that county, Jan. 2, 1832 to Vivalda Brown, who as a son of Jonathan Brown. The latter was born in Wells, same county, May 5, 1807. They had nine children - Jeremiah D., a farmer in Lancaster Co Neb.; Charlotte S., deceased; Albert O., also deceased; Jonathan, who died in the late war; Alanson L., residing in Idado; Cordelia M., James V., Martha M., allof whom are deceased and Mary J. the wife of Pliny Brown, a farmer and blacksmith in Kansas.

Mr. Brown was a shoe and harness maker. He, with his family, moved from Vermont to Pennsylvania, and after a residence of three years, there, to Aurora, Erie Co NY where he followed his trade. In October 1850 they came to Prophetstown, this county, and in 1852 moved upon their farm, which Mr. Brown bought in July 1849. Upon this place he made a number of improvements, as house, barn, fences, etc. He died at his home, July 4, 1871. Mrs. B. now rents the farm.

LINDLEY, Aura T. (I36100)
10677 Wife's name is unknown, but was the widow of Rudolph, Count of Auriate AURIATE, Roger Of (I02835)
10678 Wife's name is unknown. They has 2 sons, again, names are unknown. Move in 1793 to Kent County, Delaware. SLAWSON, Ebenezer (I50124)
10679 Wikipedia -

SIR JOHN GATES (1504-1553) was an English courtier and soldier, holding influential household positions in the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI. One of the Chief Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber under Edward VI, he became a follower of John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland and was a principal participant in the attempt to establish Lady Jane Grey on the English throne. For this he was executed for high treason under Queen Mary I.

Originating from an ancient Essex gentry family going back to King Edward III, john gates had a thorough training as a lawyer at Lincoln's Inn. he married Mary Denny, sister of Sir Anthony Denny, and served Queen Catherine Parr from 1543-1545. he was a member of King Henry VIII's Privy Chamber, first as a groom, from 1542. From 1546 he was in charge, with his brother-in-law, of the King's personal finances and his "dry stamp", a substitute, to the King's convenience for Henry's "sign manual" or personal signature. These positions of trust implied considerable influence.

Under King Edward VI, Gates became a Chief Gentleman of the Privy Chamber after the fall of Protector Somerset in the autumn of 1549. he rose to Vice-Chamberlain of the Royal Household on 8 April 1551; a few days later he was admitted to the privy Council under the leadership of John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland. In these positions Gates was a significant channel of communications between the Duke and the young King and was granted custody of the King's signet in December 1551. In July 1552 he was appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Gates was also a soldier and as High Sheriff of Essex in 1550 went several times into Essex to arrest rioters and carry through the official destruction of "superstitious altars". He was also Captain of the Gentlemen Pensioners (the royal guard) from April 1551.

John Gates was deeply involved in the succession crisis of 1553, and lady Jane Grey claimed that he had confessed to have been the first to have induced King Edward to name her his successor. Notwithstanding Gates' commitment to Edward's will, his putative ole in its conception has been questioned by Narasingha P. Sil on the grounds that he probably was not as close to the young King as traditionally believed. On 14 July 1553, Gates led the troops of the royal household to East Anglia in the campaign against Mary Tudor. He was arrested with Northumberland at Cambridge and tried at Westminster Hall on 19 August 1553. On 22 August 1553, he took the Catholic communion, recanting his Protestant faith in a ceremony at St. Peter ad Vincula in the Tower precincts. Immediately afterwards he was executed together with the Duke of Northumberland and Sir Thomas Palmer on Tower Hill. According to an eyewitness account the following scene had taken place shortly before at the Lieutenant of the Tower's garden gate:

"Sir John," sayeth the duke, "God have mercy upon us, for this day shall end both our lives. And I pray you forgive me whatsoever I have offended; and I forgive you with all my heart, although you and your counsel was a great occasion hereof." "Well, my lord," sayeth Sir John Gates, "I forgive you as I would be forgiven; and yet you and your authority was the only original cause of all together; but the Lord pardon you, and I pray you forgive me." So, either making obeisance to each other, the duke proceeded towards the scaffold. 
GATES, Sir John (I24219)
10680 Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Isabella of Asturias (1470?1498) was the Queen Consort of Portugal and the eldest daughter and heiress presumptive of King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile.

In 1490 Isabella married Afonso, Infante of Portugal, the heir of John II of Portugal, who died afterwards in a hunting accident in 1495. She then in 1497 married King Manuel I of Portugal (who was Afonso's uncle and John II's successor to that throne). At the 1497 death of her only brother, John, she became Princess of Asturias as she was recognized as the heir of Castilian kingdom. In 1498 while giving birth to Miguel da Paz, heir to the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal, she died (Miguel died two years later). Manuel's chance to become king-consort of Spain vanished with Isabella's death, and main hope of uniting all Iberian kingdoms vanished at Miguel's death.

So, after 1500, Joanna of Castile (Isabella's next sister and Miguel's aunt) became the heiress of Spain, eventually bringing those kingdoms to the Habsburgs. However, the Iberian Union took place about a hundred years later, in 1580, when the Habsburg king, Philip II of Spain, grandson of Joan the Mad and of Manuel of Portugal, acquired Portugal and its dominions.

Isabella's sister, Maria of Aragon, then married Isabella's widowed husband and gave birth to eight children. 
ARAGON, Isabella of Asturias Isabel Of (I02457)
10681 Wikipedia Encyclopedia
Henry III (October 4, 1379?1406), sometimes known as Henry the Sufferer or Henry the Infirm (Spanish: Enrique el Doliente) was the son of John I and succeeded him as King of Castile and LeÛn in 1390.

Henry was born in Burgos, the capital of Castile. Before becoming king, he was known by the title Prince of Asturias, designating him as the heir apparent. After succeeding to the throne at 11, Henry took power at 14. He was able to pacify the nobility and restore royal power. During his reign, the Castilian fleet won several victories against the English; Henry sent a naval fleet in 1400 that destroyed TÈtouan in North Africa, a pirate base. In 1402, Henry began the colonization of the Canary Islands, sending French explorer Jean de BÈthencourt. He also sent envoys to Timur.

In 1388, Henry married Katherine of Lancaster (Catalina de Lancaster; 1372?1418), the daughter of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster and Gaunt's second wife, Constance of Castile, who was the elder daughter of Pedro of Castile. This ended a dynastic conflict and solidified the House of Trastamara. Henry and Catherine's son became John II of Castile, who succeeded Henry when he died in Toledo, Catherine acting as Regent of Castile because John II was then underage. 
CASTILE, Henry III The Infirm Of (I10382)
10682 Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Source (S03581)
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Charles, Prince of Viana, (1421 - 1461), sometimes called Charles IV, king of Navarre, was the son of John, afterwards king of Aragon, by his marriage with Blanche, daughter and heiress of Charles, king of Navarre. Both his grandfather Charles and his mother, who ruled over Navarre from 1425 to 1441, had bequeathed this kingdom to Charles, whose right had also been recognized by the Cortes; but when Blanche died in 1441 her husband John seized the government to the exclusion of his son. The Prince of Viane was married in Olite (Navarre) on September 30 1439, taking as his wife the Flemish Princess Agnes, the daughter of Adolph I, Duke of Cleves and Mary of Burgundy sister of Philip the Good. Princess Agnes died, childless, on April 6, 1448, eight years after her marriage to Charles.

The ill-feeling between father and son was increased when in 1447 John took for his second wife Joanna (Juana) Enriquez, a Castilian noblewoman (of a bastard cadet line from Castilian kings), who soon bore him a son, afterwards Ferdinand V, king of Spain, and who regarded her stepson as an interloper. When Joanna began to interfere in the internal affairs of Navarre, civil war broke out, and in 1452 Charles, although aided by John II, king of Castile, was defeated and taken prisoner. Released upon promising not to take the kingly title until after his father's death, the prince, again unsuccessful in an appeal to arms, took refuge in Naples with Alphonso V, king of Aragon, Naples and Sicily. In 1458 Alphonso died and John became king of Aragon, while Charles was offered the crowns of Naples and Sicily. He declined these proposals, and having been reconciled with his father returned to Navarre in 1459. Aspiring to marry a Castilian princess, he was then thrown into prison by his father, and the Catalans rose in his favor. This insurrection soon became general and John was obliged to yield. He released his son, and recognized him as perpetual governor of Catalonia, and heir to the kingdom.

Soon afterwards, however, on 23 September 1461, the prince died at Barcelona, not without a suspicion that he had been poisoned by his stepmother. He was promised to marry Catherine of Portugal (daughter of Portuguese King Edward I) when he died.

Charles was a cultured and amiable prince, fond of music and literature. He translated Aristotle's Ethics into Spanish, a work first published at Saragossa in 1509, and wrote a chronicle of the kings of Navarre, Cronica de los reyes de Navarra. 
VIANA, Charles IV King Navarre Carlos Of (I58479)
10684 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:

Eleanor of Aragon (Spanish: Leonor) (1425-Tudela, 1479), Regent (1455-1479) and the queen regnant (1479) of Navarre.

She was the third and youngest daughter of John II of AragÛn and queen Blanche II of Navarre.

She was born February 2, 1425, and was acclaimed by the cortes in Pamplona, August 9, 1427, being the legitimate heir of Charles, Prince of Viana, and Blanche.

She married Gaston IV, count of Foix, and had the following issue with him:

Gaston (1444-1470), he married Princess Magdalena of Valois of France in 1462 and their children Francis and Catherine both succeeded to Navarre in turn upon the death of their grandmother Eleanor, married Marie d'OrlÈans
John(1450-1500), viscount of Narbonne
Peter(1449-1490), cardinal and bishop of Arles
James(1455-1500), count of Cortes, married Catherine of Beaumont
Mary(1452-1497), married William VIII, marquess of Montferrat
Joan(1454-1476), married John V, count of Armagnac
Margaret(1458-1486), married Francis II, duke of Brittany
Catherine (b.1455), married Gaston II de Foix, Count of Candale and Benauges
Isabella b.1462, married Guy of Pons
NAVARRE, Eleanor Queen Of (I40973)
10685 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:

Ferdinand was the son of John II of Aragon by his second wife, the Aragonese noblewoman Juana Enriquez. He married Infanta Isabella, the half-sister and heiress of Henry IV of Castile, on October 19, 1469 in OcaÒa and became Ferdinand V of Castile when Isabella succeeded her brother as Queen of Castile in 1474. The two young monarchs were initially obliged to fight a civil war against Juana, princess of Castile (also known as Juana la Beltraneja), the purported daughter of Henry IV, but were ultimately successful. When Ferdinand succeeded his father as King of Aragon in 1479, the Crown of Castile and the various territories of the Crown of Aragon were united in a personal union creating for the first time since the 8th century a single political unit which might be called Spain, although the various territories were not properly administered as a single unit until the 18th century.

The first decades of Ferdinand and Isabella's joint rule were taken up with the conquest of the Kingdom of Granada, the last Muslim enclave in the Iberian peninsula, which was completed by 1492. In that same year, the Jews were expelled from both Castile and Aragon, and Christopher Columbus was sent by the couple on his expedition which would ultimately discover the New World. By the Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494, the extra-European world was split between the crowns of Portugal and Castile by a north-south line through the Atlantic Ocean.

The latter part of Ferdinand's life was largely taken up with disputes over control of Italy with successive Kings of France, the so-called Italian Wars. In 1494, Charles VIII of France invaded Italy and expelled Ferdinand's cousin, Alfonso II, from the throne of Naples. Ferdinand allied with various Italian princes and with Emperor Maximilian I, to expel the French by 1496 and install Alfonso's son, Ferdinand, on the Neapolitan throne. In 1501, following the death of Ferdinand II of Naples and his succession by his uncle Frederick, Ferdinand of Aragon signed an agreement with Charles VIII's successor, Louis XII, who had just successfully asserted his claims to the Duchy of Milan, to partition Naples between them, with Campania and the Abruzzi, including Naples itself, going to the French and Ferdinand taking Apulia and Calabria. The agreement soon fell apart, and over the next several years, Ferdinand's great general Gonzalo Fern·ndez de CÛrdoba conquered Naples from the French, having succeeded by 1504. Another less famous "conquest" took place in 1503, when Andreas Paleologus, de jure Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, left Ferdinand and Isabella as heirs to the empire, thus Ferdinand became de jure Roman Emperor.

After Isabella's death, her kingdom went to her daughter Joanna. Ferdinand served as the latter's regent during her absence in the Netherlands, ruled by her husband Archduke Philip. Ferdinand attempted to retain the regency permanently, but was rebuffed by the Castilian nobility and replaced with Joanna's husband, who became Philip I of Castile. After Philip's death in 1506, with Joanna mentally unstable, and her and Philip's son Charles of Ghent was only six years old, Ferdinand resumed the regency, ruling through Francisco Cardinal Jimenez de Cisneros, the Chancellor of the Kingdom.

In 1508, war resumed in Italy, this time against Venice, which all the other powers on the peninsula, including Louis XII, Ferdinand, Maximilian, and Pope Julius II joined together against as the League of Cambrai. Although the French were victorious against Venice at the Battle of Agnadello, the League soon fell apart, as both the Pope and Ferdinand became suspicious of French intentions. Instead, the Holy League was formed, in which now all the powers joined together against France.

In November 1511 Ferdinand and his son-in-law Henry VIII of England signed the Treaty of Westminster, pledging mutual aid between the two against France. Earlier that year, Ferdinand had conquered the southern half of the Kingdom of Navarre, which was ruled by a French nobleman, and annexed it to Spain. At this point Ferdinand remarried with the much younger Germaine of Foix (1490?1538), a grand-daughter of Queen Leonor of Navarre, to reinforce his claim to the kingdom. The Holy League was generally successful in Italy, as well, driving the French from Milan, which was restored to its Sforza dukes by the peace treaty in 1513. The French were successful in reconquering Milan two years later, however.

Ferdinand died in 1516 in Madrigalejo, C·ceres, Extremadura. He had made Spain the most powerful country in Europe. The succession of his grandson Charles, who would inherit not only the Spanish lands of his maternal grandparents, but the Habsburg and Burgundian lands of his paternal family, would make his heirs the most powerful rulers on the continent. Charles succeeded him in the Aragonese lands, and was also granted the Castilian crown jointly with his insane mother, bringing about at long last the unification of the Spanish thrones under one head. 
ARAGON, Ferdinand V of Castile Ferdinand II King Of (I02451)
10686 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:

Her youngest sister was Catherine of Aragon, the first wife of Henry VIII. In 1496 at Lille, Joanna was married to the archduke Philip the Handsome, son of the German King Maximilian I, and at Ghent in February 1500, she gave birth to future emperor Charles V.

The death of her only brother John, Prince of Asturias, of her eldest sister Isabella of Asturias, queen of Portugal, and then of the latter's infant son Miguel, Prince of Asturias, made Joanna the heiress of the Spanish kingdoms, and in 1502 the cortes of Castile and of Aragon recognized her and her husband as their future sovereigns, already Princess and Prince of Asturias.

Joanna was said to pine day and night for her husband while he was overseas, and when she eventually joined Philip in Flanders, her passionate jealousy and constant suspicion of him made her notorious, if not necessarily beloved, in the local court.

Her mother's death left Joanna Queen of Castile in November of 1504. She and Philip set sail from Flanders to Spain, where he would assume the kingship as her husband. Their ships were wrecked on the English coast and the couple became guests of Henry VII at Windsor Castle. After they continued their trip to Spain, they landed at CoruÒa in 1506 and started their trip south for the coronation. Ferdinand, her father, claimed that Joanna was being kept prisoner by Philip and that he was speaking for her, and therefore he should be made co-regent with her. This conflict threatened to lead to civil war. However, Philip unexpectedly died due to typhus fever in Burgos in September 1506. Joanna became completely deranged ? it was almost impossible to get her away from the corpse of her husband.

F.Pradilla Ortiz: Juana la Loca Depicts Queen Joanna in vigil over her husband's coffinFerdinand's way to the regency was clear. Ferdinand convinced Joanna to grant him co-regency, and, in turn, kept her isolated in the castle of Tordesillas. After his death in 1516, her son Charles assumed the regency and was proclaimed co-king. Joanna was kept prisoner at Tordesillas, however, with the revolt of the comuneros she had a chance to resume her sole sovereignty but failed to take it. When Charles succeeded in quelling the uprising, Joanna was locked up for good in a windowless room in the castle of Tordesillas for the rest of her life. She died on Good Friday, April 12, 1555.

Joanna was the last of the original Spanish royals; after her, all royalty on the Spanish throne was from houses that had come from abroad - though most of the future monarchs also were born in Spain. Most historians believe she suffered from schizophrenia and she was kept locked away and imprisoned. Needed to legitimize the claims of her father and son to the throne, Joanna only nominally remained queen of Castile until her death. Many historians, not understanding the nature and severity of a disease like schizophrenia, have made her story into an archtypal victim parable, without adequately understanding the dangers which her condition posed to the governance of Castile.

She is entombed in the Capilla Real of Granada, alongside her parents, her husband, and her nephew Miguel. 
CASTILE, Juana Queen Of (I10394)
10687 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:

In 1406, upon the death of his elder brother King Henry III of Castile, Ferdinand declined the Castilian crown and instead, with Henry's widow Catherine, became coregent during the minority of his nephew John II of Castile. In this capacity he distinguished himself by his prudent administration of domestic affairs.

After Ferdinand's maternal uncle, Martin I of Aragon (as Martin II, also King of Sicily) died without surviving issue, Ferdinand was chosen king in 1412 to succeed him by the Pact of Caspe.

The most notabe accomplishment of his brief reign was his agreement in 1416 to depose the Antipope Benedict XIII, thereby helping to end the Great Schism, which had divided the Western Church for nearly 40 years. 
ARAGON, Ferdinand I The Just King Of (I02450)
10688 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:

In 1455 she married Henry IV of Castile and six years later had a daughter named also Joan, called "La Beltraneja" because of rumours that she was in fact daughter of Don Beltran de la Cureva. Henry sent Joan to live in Coca at the castle of Henry's supporter, bishop Fonseca. She fell in love with Bishop Fonseca's nephew and was expecting his child. Enrique declared their marriage not and never legal. Joan wore scandalous dresses that were low cut and her behavior was also scandalous. She later went to the convent of San Fransico in Segovia. She died in Madrid on June 13, 1475. 
PORTUGAL, Joanna Of (I44998)
10689 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:

Jo„o II, King of Portugal KG (Portuguese pron. IPA [?u'?~u]; English: John II), the Perfect Prince (Port. o PrÌncipe Perfeito), fourteenth king of Portugal and Algarves was born in Lisbon in March 3, 1455 and died in Alvor in October 25, 1495. He was the son of king Afonso V of Portugal by his wife, Isabel of Coimbra, princess of Portugal. Jo„o II succeeded his father in 1477 when the king retired to a monastery and became king in 1481.

As a prince, Jo„o II accompanied his father in the campaigns in northern Africa and was made a knight by him after the victory in Arzila in 1471. In 1473 he married Leonor of Viseu, Princess of Portugal and his first cousin.

Even at a young age, he was not popular among the peers of the kingdom since he was immune to external influence and appeared to despise intrigue. The nobles (including particularly Fernando II, the Duke of Braganza) were afraid of his future policies as king. Events proved them right.

After the official accession to the throne in 1481, Jo„o II took a series of measures to curtail the overgrown power of his aristocracy and to concentrate power on himself. Immediately, the nobles started to conspire; Jo„o II did nothing but observe. Letters of complaint and pleas to intervene were exchanged between the Duke of Braganza and Queen Isabella I of Castile. In 1483, this correspondence was intercepted by royal spies. The House of Braganza was outlawed, their lands confiscated and the duke executed in …vora.

In the following year, the Duke of Viseu, his cousin and brother-in-law was summoned to the palace and stabbed to death by the king himself for suspicion of a new conspiracy. Many other people were executed, murdered or exiled to Castile including the bishop of Evora who was poisoned in prison.

The king is reported to have said, concerning the rebellious nobles: I'm the lord of lords, not the server of servants. After these events, no one in the country dared to defy the king. Jo„o II was free to govern as he pleased without any other conspiracies during his reign.

Jo„o II then restored the policies of Atlantic exploration, reviving the work of his great-uncle, Prince Henry the Navigator. The Portuguese explorations were his main priority in government, pushing south the known coastal Africa with the purpose of discovering the maritime route to India. During his reign, the following was achieved:

1484 ? Diogo C„o discovered the Congo River
1488 - Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope
1493 ? Alvaro Caminha started the settlement of the S„o TomÈ and PrÌncipe islands
Land expeditions were sent to India and Ethiopia in search of Prester John
The complete record of the Portuguese exploration voyages is unknown. Much was kept in secret due to competition with the neighbours of Castile. The archives of this period were destroyed in the fire after the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. Modern historians are still debating their true extent, suspecting that Portuguese sailors reached the continent of North America earlier than Christopher Columbus by approximately 1470 and also Brazil by as early as 1480.

Arguments for this are the much more precise calculations on the diameter of the Earth that Portugal held. There was an 80 year old school of navigation and mathematics with the most pre-eminent scientists working in the country. While Columbus thought it would be possible to reach India through the West, Portuguese intelligence knew already the way to be much longer and possibly that there was a continent in the middle. The travels of the mysterious captain Duarte Pacheco Pereira in the central Atlantic west of Cape Verde probably are more important than traditional history states.

John II of PortugalWhen Columbus applied for Portuguese help, Jo„o II refused him. According to the historical theory of Portuguese preeminence, Columbus was an inexperienced Atlantic captain, chasing an idea the king knew was wrong, wanting to go to a place Jo„o II already knew how to get to: there was no reason to hire him. In 1492, in the service of the Castile and Aragon kingdoms, Columbus discovers the Americas, convinced until his death that he had reached India. However, recent proof concerning documental proof and even noble house insignias support that Columbus may have been a Portuguese spy trying to keep Spain away from the east india trade routes.

With this event, a series of disputes between Portugal and Castile about the ruling of the seas started. Maritime rivalry among them led to the famous Treaty of Tordesillas, signed in June 7, 1494. This treaty, which defined the meridian of Tordesillas, stated that Portugal kept the eastern part of the world, and Castile and Aragon were responsible for the exploration of the western half.

But the dividing of the world was not the main issue between the Iberian kingdoms. Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon had several daughters, but only one feeble male heir - Juan. The oldest daughter, Isabella of Aragon, was married to prince Afonso of Portugal since childhood. Afonso was Jo„o II's only son and beloved by the king. If Juan died without male heir, as was probable, Afonso would be heir not only of Portugal but also of Castile and Aragon. This threat to Castilian and Aragonese independence was very real and the Catholic kings tried every diplomatic trick to dissolve the wedding. Finally, in 1491, Afonso died in mysterious circumstances - a fall from a horse during a ride in the margin of the Tagus river. The influence of the Catholic kings in this accident was never proved but the prince was an excellent rider, his Castilian valet fled never to be seen again and after this, Isabella, the heiress, was no longer married to the enemy. Jo„o tried without success until the end of his life to legitimise George, his bastard son.

John II died without leaving male issue on October 25, 1495. Due to the hatred the Portuguese nobility had for him, the hypothesis of poisoning was never ruled out. He was succeeded by his first cousin Manuel I.

The nickname the Perfect Prince is a late description and refers to NiccolÚ Machiavelli's work The Prince. Jo„o II is considered to have lived his life exactly according to the writer's idea of a perfect prince. To his contemporaries, Jo„o II was known as the Tyrant. 
PORTUGAL, John IIJoao II The Perfect King Of (I45003)
10690 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:

Leonor of Viseu (1458-1525), was a Princess and later Queen of Portugal. She married Prince Joao (John) in 1473. Joao later became King Joao II of Portugal. She founded what became the city of Caldas da Rainha, which is named in her honor, rainha meaning "queen" in Portuguese. 
PORTUGAL, Leonor Of (I45010)
10691 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:

Maria was an Aragonese princess, second wife of Portuguese King Manuel I and because of that queen consort of Portugal from 1500 until her death. She was the third surviving daughter of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon.
Her eldest sister Isabella of Asturias was the first wife of Manuel I, but her death in 1498 created a necessity for Manuel to remarry; Maria became the next bride of the Portuguese King, reaffirming dynastical links with the future Spain, that in 1580 lead to a dynastical crisis in Portugal that made Philip II of Spain King of Portugal as Philip I. 
ARAGON, Maria Of (I02479)
10692 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:

She was consort to Ercole I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara and mother to Isabella d'Este and Beatrice d'Este. The later daughter was consort to Ludovico Sforza. 
NAPLES, Leonora Of (I40921)
10693 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:

Unmarried but had illegitimate descendants, one of them being Anthony, Prior of Crato, a claimant of the throne of Portugal in 1580. 
BEJA, Louis Duke Of (I04822)
10694 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:
Cardinal of the Kingdom who succeeded his grandnephew King Sebastian (Manuel's great-grandson) as 17th King of Portugal. His death triggered the struggle for the throne of Portugal. 
PORTUGAL, Henry Of (I44986)
10695 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:
Charles II (October 10, 1332, …vreux, ? January 1, 1387, Pamplona), called "Charles the Bad," was King of Navarre 1349?1387 and Count of …vreux 1343?1387.

Besides the Pyrenean Kingdom of Navarre, he had extensive lands in Normandy, inherited from his father Count Philip of …vreux, and his mother, Queen Joan II of Navarre, who had received them as compensation for resigning her claims to France, Champagne, and Brie in 1328. Thus, in Northern France, Charles possessed …vreux, Mortain, parts of Vexin, and a portion of Cotentin.

He hoped for a long time for a restoration of his rights to the crown of France (as son of the daughter of King Louis X).

He married Joan of France (1343?1373), daughter of king John II of France.

He was implicated in the assassination (January 8, 1354) of the constable of France, Charles de la Cerda. In reply, King John attacked …vreux and Navarre, but after Charles allied with the Black Prince, the Treaty of Mantes returned the peace, Charles enlarging his possessions. John captured and imprisoned Charles in 1356, but Charles was released after the Battle of Poitiers. During certain stages of the Hundred Years' War, he was allied with the English. He was one of the nobles involved in the repression of the Jacquerie.

In 1361, after the premature death of his second cousin, Duke Philip I of Burgundy, Charles claimed the Duchy of Burgundy by primogeniture. He was the grandson of Margaret of Burgundy, eldest daughter of Duke Robert II of Burgundy (d. 1306). However, the duchy was taken by John II, son of Joan of Burgundy, second daughter of Duke Robert II, who claimed it in proximity of blood.

In 1364, he was defeated by Bertrand du Guesclin, and driven from his Norman lands 
NAVARRE, Charles II King Of (I40971)
10696 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:
Crown Princess of Portugal (1452-1455). Known as Saint Joan of Portugal or Saint Joan Princess. Canonized in 1693 by Pope Innocent XII.

Joan was the second child of Afonso, but after the early death of her older brother John she was declared heiress to the throne and given the title of Princess.

From a young age, Joan expressed a desire to become a nun; however, as she was second-in-line to the throne, her father did not allow it. During his military expedition to Tangier in 1471, joan served as Regent of the Portuguese Kingdon. After vehemently refusing several proposals of marriage, Joan joined the Dominican Convent of Jesus in Aveiro in 1475. Her brother had, by then, been given an heir, so the family line was no longer in danger. Still, she was compelled several times to leave the convent and return to the court, before she was finally professed as a nun. She continued to be a great supporter of her brother, John II of Portugal, throughout his reign and her life.

Joan died on May 12, 1490 in Aveiro and was buried in the Convent of Jesus in Aveiro. She was beatified in 1693 by Pope Innocent XII. Until now she hasn't been canonized, but she's known in Portugal as the Princess Saint Joan. 
PORTUGAL, Joana Of (I44997)
10697 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:
Duarte I, King of Portugal KG (Viseu, October 31, 1391 - Tomar, September 13, 1438) (pron. IPA [du'a?t(?)]; Edward, in English), the Philosopher or the Eloquent, the 11th king of Portugal and Algarve and second Lord of Ceuta. He was the son of King Jo„o I of Portugal (John I of Portugal) and his wife, Philippa of Lancaster, a daughter of John of Gaunt.

As a prince, Edward (Duarte) always followed his father, King Jo„o I, in the affairs of the kingdom. He was knighted in 1415, after the Portuguese captured the city of Ceuta in North Africa, across from Gibraltar. He became king in 1433 when his father died of the plague and he soon showed interest in internal consensus. During his short reign of five years, Duarte called the Cortes (the national assembly) no less than five times to discuss internal affairs and politics. He also followed the politics of his father concerning the maritime exploration of Africa. He encouraged and financed his famous brother, Prince Henry the Navigator who founded a school of maritime navigation at Sagres and who initiated many expeditions. Among these, that of Gil Eanes in 1434 first rounded Cape Bojador on the NW coast of Africa, leading the way for further exploration southward along the African coast.

The colony at Ceuta rapidly became a drain on the Portuguese treasury and it was realised that without the city of Tangier, possession of Ceuta was worthless. When Ceuta was lost to the Portuguese, the camel caravans that were part of the overland trade routes began to use Tangier as their destination. This deprived Ceuta of the materials and goods that made it an attractive market and a vibrant trading locale, and it became an isolated community.

In 1437, his brothers, Henry (Henrique) and Fernando, persuaded Duarte to launch an attack on Morocco in order to get a better African base for future Atlantic exploration. The expedition was not unanimously supported: Pedro, Duke of Coimbra and John, duke of Aveiro were both against the initiative; they preferred to avoid conflict with the king of Morocco. They proved to be right. The resulting attack on Tangier was successful, but at a great cost of men. Duarte's youngest brother, Fernando, was captured, kept as a hostage, and he died later in captivity in Fez. Duarte died soon after the Tangier attack of the plague, like his father and mother (and her mother) before him.

Another less political side of Duarte's personality is related to culture. A reflective and scholarly prince, he wrote the treatises O Leal Conselheiro (The Loyal Counsellor) and Livro Da Ensinanca De Bem Cavalgar Toda Sela (The Art of Riding on Every Saddle) as well as several poems. He was in the process of revising the Portuguese law code when he died. 
PORTUGAL, Edward of Portugal Duarte I King Of (I44975)
10698 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:
Eleanore of Austria, sometimes known also as Leonor of Castile (November 15, 1498 ? February 25, 1558) was born Archduchess of Austria and Infanta of Spain, became subsequently in turn queen consort of Portugal (1518?1521) and of France, also duchess of Touraine (1547?1558) as dower. Named Leonor de Austria in Spanish, Leonor(a) in Portuguese and "royne Eleonore" or Alienor in French.

Born in Louvain as the eldest child of Philippe the Handsome, archduke of Austria and duke of Burgundy and of Joanna of Castile, Infanta of Castile and Aragon and later queen of the named countries. Her siblings were: Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire, Ferdinand I, also emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Elizabeth queen of Denmark, Maria queen of Hungary and later regent of the Low Countries and Catherine, queen of Portugal.

When she was young, her relatives tried to marry her to the king of England (Henry VII or Henry VIII), the French king (Louis XII or Francois I) or with the Polish king (Sigismund I), but they could not, so they had to lower their intentions, finally marrying her to Portugal, where firstly her nephew the crown prince was the candidate but finally the king, Manuel I of Portugal. They married July 16, 1518. They had two children, the infante Carlos (who died as a child, born February 18, 1520) and the infanta Maria (born June 8, 1521, and who was later one of the richest princesses of Europe). She became a widow on December 13, 1521, when Manuel died of the plague.

Some time later as a widow, by the treaty called "La Paz de las Damas" (The Ladies' Peace) she was married to Francis I of France on July 4, 1530. They had no children.

As the French queen she did not have any political power; however, she was used as a contact between France and the Holy Roman Empire. She was Charles V's favorite sister. She died in 1558 on the return trip from Badajoz, where she tried to make peace with her daughter Maria. 
CASTILE, Leonor Of (I10397)
10699 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:
Isabella di Taranto, born Isabella de Clermont, (c. 1424-1465), Princess of Taranto, was the elder daughter of Tristan di Chiaramonte (Tristan de Clermont-Lodeve), Count of Cupertino, and Catherine of Taranto. She was also the niece and heiress presumptive of childless Giovanni Antonio del Balzo Orsini, prince of Taranto. She was a granddaughter of queen Mary of Enghien (mother of Giovanni and Catherine), who had been queen consort of Naples (Queen of Jerusalem and Sicily) in 1406-14. Thus, she was the heiress presumptive of feudal possessions in Southern Italy.

In 1444 (or 30 May 1445) she married Ferrante di Aragona, then Duke of Calabria (1423-1494), natural son of Alfonso V of Aragon who had recently conquered the Neapolitan kingdom from French Angevins, and thus was the new liege lord of Isabella and her family. Alfonso arranged this marriage in order to give a good future to his favorite bastard son, by giving him his own principality by marriage. Also, Alfonso wanted his loyal people (such as his own son) to have feudal fiefs in his new kingdom, which would happen in the future as soon as Ferdinand and Isabella succeeded in Taranto. The marriage also strengthened the king's grip on the current lords of Taranto.

In 1458 her husband became, by the will of king Alfonso, King in his conquered territories and as such used the title King of Naples and Jerusalem, and Isabella became queen consort. By that point, they had several children of their own, the eldest being the 10-year-old Alphonso.

They no longer wanted to make Taranto their principal holding, but it was still a strong possession, and in 1463 Isabella succeeded her uncle Giovanni Antonio in Taranto. Isabella also inherited the Brienne claim to the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Isabella died 30 March in 1465, buried in St.Pietro the Martyr. Her heir was her eldest son, Alphonso, then Duke of Calabria, the future king Alfonso II of Naples and Jerusalem.

Her widower King Ferrante (born 1423, died January 25, 1494) secondly married Infanta Juana of Aragon, his own first cousin, in 1476 
TARANTO, Isabella Of (I56379)
10700 Wikipedia Encyclopedia:
John II of France (French: Jean II de France; April 16, 1319?April 8, 1364), was Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, and Duke of Normandy from 1332, Count of Poitiers from 1344, and Duke of Guyenne from 1345, and King of France from 1350 until his death, as well as Duke of Burgundy from 1361 on. John was a member of the Valois Dynasty and was the son of Philippe VI and Jeanne of Burgundy. John was nicknamed John the Good (Jean le Bon).

John's coronation as king took place in 1350 in the Notre-Dame de Reims. As king, John surrounded himself with poor administrators, preferring to enjoy the good life his wealth as king brought. The men he relied on to administer his kingdom were brutal thieves but eventually King Jean changed.

In the 1356 Battle of Poitiers against Edward, the Black Prince (son of King Edward III of England), Jean suffered a humiliating defeat and was taken as captive back to England. While negotiating a peace accord, he was at first held in the Savoy Palace, then at a variety of locations, including Windsor, Hertford, Somerton Castle in Lincolnshire, and Berkhamsted Castle in Hertfordshire. A local tradition in St Albans is that he was held in a house in that town, at the site of the 15th-century Fleur de Lys inn, before he was moved to Hertford. There is a sign on the inn to that effect, but apparently no evidence to confirm the tradition [1]. Eventually, John was taken to the Tower of London.

As a prisoner of the English, John was granted royal privileges, permitted to travel about, and to enjoy a regal lifestyle. At a time when law and order was breaking down in France and the government was having a hard time raising money for the defense of the realm, his account books during his captivity show that he was purchasing horses, pets and clothes while maintaining an astrologer and a court band.[citation needed]

The 1360 Treaty of BrÈtigny set his ransom at 3,000,000 crowns. In keeping with the honor between himself and King Edward III, and leaving his son Louis of Anjou in English-held Calais as a replacement hostage, John was allowed to return to France to raise his ransom funds.

While King John tried to raise the money, his son Louis, accorded the same royal dignity, easily escaped from the English. An angry King John surrendered himself again to the English, claiming an inability to pay the ransom as the reason. The true motive of John's decision remains murky today, with many pointing to the devastation in France caused by war with England and the Jacquerie peasant uprising as likely candidates. His councillors and nearly the whole nation was critical of the decision, since they had raised the ransom through painstaking sacrifice. However Jean arrived in England in early 1364, looked upon by ordinary citizens and English royalty alike with great admiration. Accordingly, he was held as an honored prisoner in the Savoy Palace but died in London a few months later.

His body was returned to France, where he was interred in the royal chambers at Saint Denis Basilica 
FRANCE, John II King Of (I23132)

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